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"A new study by climate scientists behind the controversial 1998 "hockey stick" graph suggests their earlier analysis was broadly correct."
"Sea levels globally are very unlikely to rise by more than 2m (7ft) this century, scientists conclude."
"By 2020, more than a third of Britain's electricity will be generated by wind power, according to government plans. One problem - six out of 10 days aren't windy enough to make sufficient power. So what happens then?"
"Beneath the gargantuan grey boiler towers of Schwarze Pumpe power station... northern Germany, a Lilliputian puzzle of metal boxes and shining canisters is about to mark a moment of industrial history... ...pilot project for...
"The strongest tropical storms are becoming even stronger as the world's oceans warm, scientists have confirmed."
Displaying results 1931 to 1935 out of 2977